FDA-approved, Class-1 medical devices
Provides unmatched benefits to babies at various stages of life from the
critical period after birth through the time in intensive care
Allows for consistency of care along with support and accessibility in taking care of sick and/or critical babies
Supports positioning protocols, prevents cranial asymmetry and head preference
Especially helpful in supporting neutral positioning, such as: supine, midline, side-lying, and prone positions
Crucial part of your IVH bundle, as it allows you to position and hold small babies
(<1500 g) in a variety of neutral, midline positions
Requires less manipulation than most devices on the market and removes the need for adjustments
Hospital staff members can easily:
perform head ultrasounds and x-rays, continuously monitor EEG and NIRS and place scalp IV’s
Holds infants’ head in a neutral position through respiratory support, placement of central lines and
medical transport
Adjustable, soft beanie, designed with two support rolls made of polyurethane foam
Single layer construction is highly breathable and fits securely
95% cotton/ 5% Lycra and PU foam and a high-grade medical fabric designed to be breathable and Velcro-receptive
Lined with soft foam for comfort
Highly compatible with attachments, including: CPAP, nasal cannulas, feeding tubes, and more
Has a Velcro front opening to minimize infant handling and help reduce stress
Based on head circumference
Designed to be used from birth until an infant is mature enough to graduate from their warmers to an open bassinet, and they are in
“Back to Sleep"
Used for the smallest premature babies to infants up to 2.5 Kg
Size ELBW: 17 to 22 cm head circumference
Size MP: 22 to 30 cm head circumference
Size P: 30 to 38 cm head circumference
Allows the baby's head to be positioned midline, partial side lying, side lying, and prone positions to avoid or to help eliminate asymmetry
Adjustable, easy to apply to a baby’s head, and is designed to be compatible with most infant medical devices
Easily used with respiratory devices, cannulas, feeding tubes, bilishades, and chinstraps
Infants with larger heads who are acutely or chronically ill
Designed for use in NICU, PICU, Transitional Care Units, medical transport, and chronic care units
Infants with a head circumference greater than 36 cm
Adjustable, soft beanie, designed with two support rolls made of polyurethane foam
Single layer construction is highly breathable and achieves improved fit
95% cotton/ 5% Lycra, PU foam, and a high-grade medical fabric designed to be breathable and Velcro-receptive
Lined with soft foam for comfort
Designed with versatile materials that are highly compatible with attachments, including: CPAP, nasal cannulas, feeding tubes, and more
Has a Velcro front opening to minimize infant handling and help reduce stress
Designed for and suitable for infants with larger heads who are acutely or chronically ill
Infants with a head circumference greater than 36 cm
Available in two sizes, based on head circumference
Size SMALL: 34 to 42 cm head circumference
Size MEDIUM: 42 to 50 cm head circumference